New subject about architectures of industrial information servers


Architecture of industrial information systems


   Students on this subject will acquire skills in design architectures middle class information and control systems (ICS). They will learn to practically apply web, mobile, IoT, database and data analytics technology. They will be able to use and apply the most advanced information and communication technologies to the design and implementation of architectures ICS.

   Stundets will be albe to desing and create own industrial infomration system industrial or start up within class exercises and team project in laboratory conditions. They will gain competence in the latest knowledge and technologies (from web, mobile, IoT service, databases, data analytics and cloud). 

 cloud apis



 - General description of infomration system and their achitectures.

 - Functionalities and standarts.

 - Cloud platforms in industrial condition - abilities and advantages

 - Data acquisition and IoT service, security 

 - Data storing and data analytics

 - Business data mining and industrial architecture

 - Mobile and web applications for industrial system